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sumo wrestlers中文是什么意思

用"sumo wrestlers"造句"sumo wrestlers"怎么读"sumo wrestlers" in a sentence


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  • Every sumo wrestler is large and firm - fleshed
  • He ' s sweating like a sumo wrestler running a marathon
  • What do you feed a sumo wrestler
  • Jock is usually popular , but i do not know about the sumo wrestlers
    运动选手总是很受欢迎,但我不知道相扑队是不是。 。 。 。
  • Tomoe - nada is the name of a well - feared sumo wrestler tomoe - nada a . k . a . the bullet , active in the early showa era ( mid 1920s )
  • The word chanko represents any type of food that sumo wrestlers eat . in general , there are two types ; the yose - nabe and chiri - nabe
  • Chanko and one - dish joint owned by kirishima ( currently michinoku oyakata , ) one - time popular ex - sumo wrestler who peaked at the ozeki rank
  • There are some obvious examples : tall basketball players , huge sumo wrestler , small jockeys , and long - armed swimmers are but a few
  • Barbara and i met an ex - sumo wrestler named mr . sasaki , who is the chef at a restaurant called terukuni , which was named after a former sumo wrestler , a grand champion
  • Speaking of heroes , we must mention that asa shoryu , a sumo wrestler originally from mongolia , has once again earned the title of " yokozuna " the highest rank in sumo wrestling this year
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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